Announcing Winners of the 23rd Scriptwriting Competition
Sacramento, 4/10/23 – Access Sacramento, our Sacramento County non-profit community media center, is proud to announce the ten winners of the “A Place Called Sacramento” scriptwriting competition.
It is worth noting that this scriptwriting competition is unique in the country; the contestants promise to produce their script into a film if they win the competition. “This film project takes heaps of creativity, commitment and collaboration to turn the winning scripts into final short films to air at the October film premiere,” states Donna Girot, Executive Director of Access Sacramento.
Access Sacramento’s core values include valuing our locality. The competition scripts are judged in part by how the writers have included Sacramento County into their scripts. The films are produced locally, and the community is uplifted with a local film premiere which is filmed and later aired on local cable channel 17, as well as streamed on, Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV.
Access Sacramento Community Media also celebrates and encourages originality, for it is this independent, unique, creative thought that enriches our community. So, with great respect we congratulate the 2023 “A Place Called Sacramento” Scriptwriting Competition winners:
“App-daptable” by Lorna Norrise
A mom uses unorthodox technology to repair her struggling relationship with her teenage daughter.
“Becoming Zombie” by Dana Walker
When a new virus touches down in Sacramento, one brave citizen must defend against her rapidly decaying roommate.
“Dad Brakes”by Trevor Doyle
In a world divided, a ceremony dedicated to the passing of car keys must be completed by all. This rite of passage for Spencer, a dad, relies on his dad brakes to survive the ordeal.
“Draw!” by Ron & Flynn Gilbert
A victimized woman takes back her personal power with a bit of Ol’ West revenge!
“In the Shadows” by Danya Barrows
After the loss of his grandmother Uriah’s family begins to derail, until he devises a plan to bring hope out of the shadows.
“Loveseat” by Pablo Castillo
Embarking on a journey towards success, love, and happiness, a young immigrant couple is hindered until they get guidance from an unexpected guest.
“Remember” by John Demakas & Larry Wattson
As Sam succumbs to the effects of his early onset dementia, his daughter Megan thinks outside of the box to keep him engaged as long as she can, or risk severing the lines of communication with him, long before he’s gone.
“Scavenger Hunt” by Matthew Benbrook
A grieving man attempts to solve a puzzle left behind by his grandmother while trying to dodge his suspicious girlfriend.
“Someone Done Goofed Up The Clones” by Madeline McChesney
Strangers awaken to a future where they encounter minor setbacks during their cloning process.
“You Had a Bad Day” by Renee Sava
An impetuous mid-twenties girl, devastated after being fired from her Hollywood dream job on her birthday, has her spirits lifted when she runs into a fellow Sacramento native.