So, you want make a TV Show?

Access Sacramento can provide you with all of the tools, education, and resources to make your own TV Show or TV Series Production.  The only thing you need to do is figure out how you are going to change the world with your show!

Do More With Access!


Members pay $125/ hr for a 3-person Access Sacramento Crew if needed.  Your content will be played on TV randomly in our rotation.  If you have an Underwriter, you may recognize them on TV before and after your show.

Hire Access Sac Crew Today


Network within our organization to meet like-minded individuals who can help you make your show.  Make a new friend, build your network, and reinforce your skills by collaborating with others at Access Sacramento.

Submit Now by Clicking HERE


You have a show that’s ready to go?  Let’s get it on the Air and begin building that following! Choose a regularly scheduled timeslot from one available by consulting with our staff. Build your following and expand your reach.

Series Producers Learn More HERE

"Because we can, maybe we should."

How will you use your voice to add to the TV diaspora?

Will you entertain, educate, or inform? Television is so much more that just a TV Series.  Cable and Streaming TV is a powerhouse of communication with the masses and can now reach around the globe with the power of the internet.   With this awesome power comes responsibility.  How will you choose to represent yourself, your culture, and your County?


Bring joy to the world with music, dance, poetry, comedy, fine arts, the Theatre, and more. What is your special skill that could uplift others? How will YOU inspire others or entertain kids?


Be the change you want to see in Media. Are you skilled in research, politics, government, or current events and issues? Report local happenings while upholding facts and integrity.

Series Producer's Shows Now Airing