Wait a minute. Isn’t Access Sacramento a Non-Profit??
In a word? Yes. Our mission is to lift the voices of our community, and that means lifting your Non-Profit’s voice too!
First and foremost, we are your local community media center. We serve you and the community by offering distribution channels for your content.

We want to be experts in Non-Profits helping Non-Profits by giving your organization multiple opportunities to be on Television and Radio in an authentic voice, unfettered by the commercial interests of major networks.
Let’s face it: being on a morning show of Network TV is fun and feels great, until you realize you only got a few minutes to discuss things that might take 15 minutes to an hour to really discuss well. If you want to go beyond speed-pitching your latest community event, call Access Sacramento!
Access Sac will empower your organization with the air-time, studio, and professional production to achieve the messaging you need to convey. We will even give you a copy of the appearance for your website and Social channels to use in perpetuity (not just a link that expires).

Tell us about your events early and we will place them on the Digital Community Bulletin Board that runs on TV 24/7 between shows and PSAs absolutely free of charge.

Would you like a regular series on TV?
Whether it is once a month, or once a week, we can help you produce your regular half-hour or one-hour messaging. We often partner with organizations for granting opportunities, helping you find the necessary funds to produce a series or partnering with you to fulfill a grant qualification. No other station in Sacramento County does that.

Important PSA
Do you have “must see” Public Information? Perhaps you are trying to get word out on a free offer to the community? If you send us a :30 sec PSA in the correct formats, we will certainly let the community benefit from your Public Service Announcement.