Got Shorts? Give them to Access Sacramento!
Your short form projects can be old or new shorts, but not your cut-offs! If the quality of your short passes the Access Sac review test they can be part of one of our showcases.
You’ve made your short film. You’ve submitted it to the world’s film festivals. Maybe you got into a few and won some awards -or- maybe you decided to celebrate the film with your cast & crew, throw it up on YouTube and “call it a day.”
What ever route you took is fine with us! We still want to show YOU off as our region’s wonderful talent!
We are looking for shorts to make into showcases by genre, so the more shorts you give us, the more we will have to select from, the more showcases we can do!
Let us know if you would like to provide a panel or commentary about your piece as well. (Scroll down to submit.)