Host Theodh

Host Theodh


The Dayly Dose is back on KUBU 96.5 FM after a very necessary break. The Dose will be on the air on Fridays from 12 noon until 2 pm. As we know, music can calm our souls as well as inflame our sense of righteousness. The Old Dose Head Himself produces the Dayly Dose, after surviving many decades of music that prepared him for the challenge of Rockin KUBU regularly.

The Dayly Dose will feature cherry picked favorites from the massive Dayly Dose Musical Library which has more than 10k Records and CDs for your listening pleasure. Semi-regularly there will be “A Dose of Reality”, which should at least, get you thinking. It might even make you mad enough that you raise voice. We all need a Dose of Reality on a regular schedule.

The Old Dose Head has drawn on the extensive life travels through the grocery business dealing with customers to functioning in covering the sporting life with Access Sacramento’s Game of the Week as there is always music in the everyday activities of Dose Heads throughout the world. It is the Old Dose Heads position that all KUBU listeners need to have their Dayly Dose prescription refilled as often as possible. If you can’t get to the KUBU musical Pharmacy that often, The Dayly Dose, on Fridays from 12 noon until 2 pm will try to fill your needs, musically speaking